Live unique experiences in an exclusive and welcoming environment. Massages, therapies and rest in its maximum expression. Because sometimes it is necessary to pause to gain momentum.
Termas de Hispalis
Everything, even the last tile is set to achieve an effect: to transport you to Ancient Rome. Inspired and designed as the old Roman baths, the new Híspalis Spa offers everything the lover of aesthetic and health treatments can wish.
A hammam (Arabic script, حمام), also known as Turkish bath, is a form of steam bath which includes cleaning of the body, mind and enjoying an excellent state of relaxation. The buildings in which these could be found also had the same name, such structures had all different rooms required for the bath process.
Few places with as much charm as Kumaras, in Plaza Rafael Escuredo, Umbrete, with facilities in which the relaxation of your client is the main maxim.
In Termas de Hispalis everything, even the last tile is set to achieve an effect: to transport you to Ancient Rome. Inspired and designed as the old Roman baths, the new Híspalis Spa offers everything the lover of aesthetic and health treatments can wish.
BOOK NOWThe streets and squares in the historic quarter of the capital of Andalusia are lively and busy. They treasure many constructions that have the World Heritage designation, and many districts are full of traditional culture, like Triana and La Macarena.